There is a First for Everything

Welcome to my 1st entry.  As the often used cliché goes “life begins at 40”.  In my case, it's coming a decade late – hence my life (riding life that is) begins at 50.  I believe there’s a good number of us who is either just starting out to ride or getting back on the saddle after a long haitus.  In my case, it’s the former.  So why get into riding?  This time, I have more time in my hands as the kids are all grown up and require less supervision. No more weekend soccer matches or ballet classes to drive our little girl to.  Also, there is that extra money to spend on that dream bike I've always wanted.

Why get a motorcycle (at my age) is probably the most often question that gets asked.  I've have gone thru that compact hatchback, lowered sedan, trusty pick-up trucks and SUVs. I still have one of them as my daily driver however, the motorcycle will serve a different purpose. For those who used to own a motorcycle, you have gone fill circle.  For us who have not experienced the thrill of motorized 2 wheels, it's time to finally acquire that ride that we almost missed.  Surely nothing beats the freedom of riding a motorcycle, feeling the sun and wind on your face.  Experiencing the outdoor has never been this fun. For some of us – riding a motorcycle makes us feel young again.

As I go thru this one bucket list, join me in this journey of my riding life.  I am NewbieAt50.

There is a First for Everything There is a First for Everything Reviewed by NewbieAt50 on October 01, 2017 Rating: 5

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