Waze - On 2 wheels?

Anyone here remember the 80s?  Not your grades in school but the decade of the 80s.  I have so many great memories of said decade.  Other than pop, other cool music genres were punk rock and new wave.  Madonna wasn’t yet the Diva she is known now and I remember getting stuffed with a P100 budget in McDonalds.  How cool was that.  One of the coolest memories of the 80s for me was learning how to drive.  I’m sure we all remember the 1st time we were in control of our motorized vehicle.  What was also cool about the 80s was there was relatively less traffic then.  Also, we were able to drive to where we needed to go as there was no navigational tools available then.  Well other than a handy road map that you could buy from the bookstore.  

Nowadays, we are so dependent on technology that we almost often use Waze as second nature.  Even if we are sure of the way to get there, the navigational app is often used to verify if there is indeed a better and faster way.

Lately I’ve tinkered with my Waze app and found that there is a setting for motorcycles – YES Motorcycles.

What you need to do is go to the main page of your app and click settings.

Under settings, click “Navigation”

Under Navigation, click “Vehicle Type” and a drop -down box will appear.  
Choose “motorcycle” and your good to go.

Your vehicle icon even changes to a motorcycle. 

I’ve tried the motorcycle setting on Waze and it still sends me to the main road unlike what it does when I’m on 4 wheels that it gives me the “side roads” option.  What’s interesting though is that it cuts the estimated travel time as if there was no traffic.  I guess Waze knows we can weave thru traffic on our 2 wheels then.

You can download Waze via their website - .https://www.waze.com/ 

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Waze - On 2 wheels? Waze - On 2 wheels? Reviewed by NewbieAt50 on December 25, 2017 Rating: 5

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